Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (2024)

Articles about Scorpion
GamesMortal KombatInjustice
  • MK11 (Present)

  • MK11 (Past)

  • MKX

  • MK9

Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (1)

The new Shirai Ryu are worthy. It's heart, not blood, that makes them warriors...
~ Grandmaster Hanzo to his younger self

Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (2)

After eons, I learned the truth. Kronika was not alone. She was one of many Titans, each more powerful and ancient than the Elder Gods. It is they who conspire against us. Myself, my family. We are pawns in their game. Why? I do not know. But I will find out. And then, I will have vengeance.
~ Scorpion

Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (3)

People like to say they've been to Hell and back...I happen to know the way by heart.
~ Hanzo to Takeda

Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (4)

Vengeance will be mine!
~ Scorpion's battle cry
~ Scorpion's signature quote


  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Powers and Stats
  • 3 Gallery
  • 4 Notable Matchups
  • 5 Discussions


Grandmaster Scorpion of the Shirai Ryu. Driven by rage, Hanzo Hasashi went through Hell and back to avenge his family and clan, never resting until he cut down their murderer, Quan Chi. Now he leads a reborn Shirai Ryu, avenging those who cannot avenge themselves.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-A, likely High 8-C

Name: Scorpion, Hanzo Hasashi, has several titles including Firefly, Creature of Fire, Spawn of Quan Chi, Fire Demon, The Vengeful Shade, Sting, Spearman

Origin: Mortal Kombat

Gender: Male

Age: In his fifties during the events of MK11

Classification: Human, Shirai Ryu ninja, Revenant (past self), Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu (present self), Kronika's Recruit (former)

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Skilled practitioner of Eastern martial arts, such as Judo and Karate), Weapon Mastery (Wields his signature spear as his default weapon. Throughout multiple games, he has had different swords, from Westernized katanas to a traditional daishō. Can somehow do this with his spear), Stealth Mastery (Skilled practitioner of Ninjutsu), Acrobatics, Flight (Limited flight), Immortality (Types 2 and 7, only for his revenant), Can interact with his past self, but will share with it irreparable damage and death (As shown throughout MK11), Unholy Manipulation (All of his powers are from the Netherrealm), Hellfire Manipulation (Hellfire is his only element and it is prominent in his abilities that don't even burn stuff. He can heat metal without visibly burning it, make hellfire blasts, cover himself in hellfire, wreathe his attacks with it, and reveal a burning skull to breathe a cone of hellfire), Teleportation (Can instantly teleport himself, from travelling short distances to interrealm travel. Can banish others into the Netherrealm with physical contact. Also uses portals), Summoning (Can summon a demonic minion that can explode in hellfire and a stone monolith), Illusion Creation (Can create a fake, immaterial image of himself to trick his enemies. This image can also be made into a tangible clone of himself), Dimensional Storage (Somehow keeps a long length of chains tipped with a kunai in his bracer), Air Manipulation (Can summon a fire whirl upon teleporting), Intangibility (Can burn away parts of his body [or all of it] to reveal a fiery skeleton form that allows him to phase through opponents while burning them on contact. In this state, he can still hold onto others while remaining intangible), Resistance to Fire Manipulation (Unaffected by an upgraded Sektor's flamethrower)

Attack Potency: At least Small Building level (Defeated the likes of Kung Lao, the Cyber Lin Kuei [both human and cyborg forms], D'Vorah, etc. Casually did this with his teleport), likely Large Building level+ (While he has lost to lesser kombatants [he beats them in a later point in time], he can harm the likes of Liu Kang with a throat chop and defeated Raiden who was beginning to succumb to the Amulet of Shinnok, despite losing to him before in the Netherrealm)

Speed: Hypersonic+, likely Massively Hypersonic+ reactions and combat speed (Equal to Sub-Zero, whose Slide move can outpace an explosion. Can react to his past self's attacks and teleportation, who defeated Raiden)

Lifting Strength: At least Class K (Performed the Spine Rip fatality on the Elder Sub-Zero. Can rip spines out of upgraded Lin Kuei cyborgs)

Striking Strength: At least Small Building level (Can stagger an upgraded Cyrax with his strikes), likely Large Building level+ (Struck Liu Kang's throat and face hard enough to temporarily stun him)

Durability: At least Small Building level, likely Large Building level+

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range with hand-to-hand combat and swords. Tens of Meters with hellfire. Hundreds of Meters with his spear. His portals and teleportation reaches throughout the realms

Standard Equipment: Spear, Mugai Ryu (his katana/sword), tanto.

  • Optional Equipment: Summoning skull (seems to be his device for summoning demons)
  • Can Create/Summon: Stone pillars, demonic minions, fiery portals, clones, illusions, fire whirls, his weapons, fireballs.

Intelligence: Gifted (Strong-willed fighter and is the mentor of Takeda and many Shirai Ryu members, should be comparable to other clan leaders such as Kuai Liang)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Abilities

  • Basic Attacks/Kombos

  • Special Moves

  • Throws

  • Brutalities

  • Super Moves

  • Martial Arts

  • Hellfire

  • Teleportation

  • Summoning

Martial Arts: Before he was the Netherrealm wraith Scorpion, he was Hanzo Hasashi, a ninja of the Shirai Ryu clan whose life saw many battles won and lost. His "blindingly fast and deadly fighting skill" earned him the name Scorpion, a name that would follow him in undeath. Even as a wraith, he still retains the skills that earned him the name of Scorpion.

  • Combined Training: Scorpion has displayed several kinds of fighting styles in battle. Because of this, he is not seen sticking to a single style in battle especially when he is equipped with two different and unique weapons alongside his usual barehanded techniques. So far, he has demonstrated techniques from Hapkido, Judo, Karate, and even weapon styles.
  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (5)

    Scorpion performs a full nelson hold on Cyrax, effectively restraining him.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (6)

    Scorpion does a flying kick, a sweep, and a judo throw on three consecutive cyborgs.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (7)

    Scorpion uses the spine and head of a cyborg as a weapon.


  • Kenjutsu: Meaning "way of the sword", this is an umbrella term for all Japanese swordsmanship skills. Scorpion's style is never specified in NRS titles (it is erroneously named Ninjutsu as his sword based variation) so Kenjutsu is used to describe his sword techniques.
    • Iaijutsu: The Japanese martial art of quick-draw sword techniques, also known as iaidō. What they both have in common is the usage of quick-draw techniques with the katana to intercept incoming attacks.
  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (8)

    Scorpion and Takeda have a field training session with the sword.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (9)

    Scorpion slaughters six soldiers in six seconds with his sick sword skills.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (10)

    Scorpion faces his past self in a sword duel.


  • Spear: The infamous chained spear of Hanzo Hasashi, now the hell spawned spectre of vengeance known as Scorpion. A simple and traditional weapon with a surprisingly modern design because of its modular parts: the spearhead and the chain. By itself, the spearhead can be used as a dagger and the metal chain can be used as a whip and a strangling weapon. When combined, it becomes an effective ranged weapon that can pull out of reach targets closer while retaining its other uses.
    • Outside of combat, it is an effective mobility tool. Much like the real life ninja, he can utilize it as a grappling hook to latch on to vehicles and buildings to scale them.
    • Even after he has already shot his spear out, he can stop it in tracks using his powers. It will then remain suspended in the air until he recalls it back to him. While this technique is never shown in battle, it can potentially be used as a feint or to cancel his attack.
  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (11)

    Scorpion spears the pilot of a moving chopper with his spear.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (12)

    Scorpion impales Johnny Cage with his spear, reeling him in for a beatdown.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (13)

    Scorpion demonstrates his kunai and spear skills on Lin Kuei cyborgs.


  • Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu is a set of martial skills that include many covert techniques such as espionage and assassination. As the grandmaster of a new generation of Shirai Ryu assassins, he is very skilled in this technique. Some of his attacks apply ninjutsu skills and he is quite competent in the art of stealth.
    • Illusion Creation: A cool technique that he can do involves conjuring mirror images of himself to fool his opponents. These images can perform fake attacks that are hard to see through with the naked eye. They can also act as solid clones to help restrain his enemies.
  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (14)

    Scorpion and Sub-Zero perform a sneak attack on a lone cyborg.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (15)

    Scorpion and the Shirai Ryu sneak into the Special Forces' Refugee Kamp.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (16)

    Block this!

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (17)

    And this!


Hellfire: The Netherrealm's version of flame that possesses the unique ability to scorch the soul within. This flame makes up every single aspect of his powers and even powers that aren't related to it still possess its burning motif. With hellfire, he can vaporize flesh, bone & hard metal in seconds with its high temperatures, something that he himself is immune to.

  • Basic applications of hellfire include projecting hellfire in various ways (in the form of a fireball, a jet of concentrated flames, a fire whirl, or as an explosion from himself and his attacks) and combusting the area around him and his opponent.
  • Damage Boost: Scorpion can imbue his limbs and weapons with his hellfire, adding more damage to his attacks. His weapons will glow red hot and his attacks can ignite his enemies with hellfire.
  • Intangibility: Scorpion's ability to reveal his skull when unmasked is further expanded in MK11 where he can reveal his other bones and even his skeleton when using his powers, especially his intangibility. With it, he can phase through his enemies while simultaneously incinerating them on contact for both offense and defense.
  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (18)

    Scorpion shoots a fireball from his palms

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (19)

    Scorpion and Sub-Zero burn and chill Johnny Cage, who feels pure agony from the combined elements.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (20)

    Scorpion summons hellfire from below to roast Liu Kang.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (21)


  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (22)

    Scorpion raises his burning fist against the tournament's master.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (23)

    Scorpion stares down Sektor as he barely gets singed by his 3000° flames.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (24)

    Scorpion roasts his past self with his superior hellfire.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (25)

    Scorpion shoots a stream of hellfire from his hand.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (26)

    A naked Scorpion visits the Special Forces Tank Garage before hiding his skeleton.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (27)

    Scorpion goes bony and flies through Baraka's midsection, burning through it all except his spine.


Teleportation: Just like how Shang Tsung is known for his shapeshifting ability, Scorpion is well known and feared for his teleportation. In a burst of hellfire, he disappears and reappears towards his target location to travel short and far distances. His blindingly fast fighting styles are complemented by this ability, as he can quickly attack someone and reposition himself for another attack or suitable action. His teleportation can be made deadly by itself by adding an explosive effect every time he teleports, blasting anyone near the area.

  • Portal Creation: Scorpion is one of the few characters who uses portals as an offensive measure in battle. Besides the usual teleportation, he can attack from far distances by making a portal near the target before shooting his spear through it to pull them into the portal where he awaits them on the other side. A more complicated technique has him use two ends of a portal to wrap a red-hot chain over the target that he uses to slice them in half.
  • BFR: Using his teleportation or portals, Scorpion banishes his opponents to the Netherrealm where they will never return provided that they don't have any powers to counter it.
  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (28)

    Scorpion brings Bi-Han to the Netherrealm.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (29)

    Scorpion teleports behind Johnny Cage and kicks him.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (30)

    Scorpion gives a vibe check to Jax for failing a minigame.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (31)

    "Looks like you're going to the shadow realm, Sub-Zero! Oh, it's just down the street, next to the Chick-fil-A."

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (32)

    A dead person does a dead meme.

  • Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (33)

    Scorpion enters the fray using teleportation, making an explosive entrance.


Demonic Minions: Using a mysterious skull amulet, he can call upon demon minions to attack his enemies. With a motion of his amulet, the demons respond to his call and come out to attack his opponents from a wide range of different angles. He can even command them to self-destruct in a fiery explosion of hellfire.

  • Basic Attacks

  • Air Attacks

  • Getup/Flawless Block Attacks

  • Kombos

  • Blade Overhead: Scorpion kneels down and slams both swords downwards.
  • Flame Fist: Scorpion rushes forward and delivers a burning uppercut swung at a circular arc.
    • Doom Slice (MKX): Similar to the above attack, except it is done using his sword.
  • Flame Heel: Scorpion raises his leg and brings his burning heel down.
    • Cataclysm: He then stabs the opponent's gut with his sword while facing away from them.
  • Doom Blade (MKX): Scorpion uses his dual swords to perform two spinning, overhead slashes in quick succession.
  • Downfall: Scorpion performs a spinning sweep, hitting the opponent with his foot and blade.
  • Rising Cut: Scorpion rushes forward and performs a rising katana slash followed by a downward slash.
  • Flip Kick: Scorpion performs a front flip kick with his foot covered in fire.
  • (Air) Sin Blade: While airborne, Scorpion slashes the opponent with his katana.
  • Spear Stab: After hopping up, Scorpion swings his kunai downwards.
  • Corkscrew Kick: After hopping up, Scorpion performs an axe kick.
  • Rising Blade: When recovering from a knockdown/successfully blocking an attack, Scorpion counters by performing a rising slash with his katana.
  • Spear Slice: While recovering from a knockdown/successfully blocking an attack, Scorpion counters by slicing his kunai across the opponent's chest.

Mortal Kombat 9:

  • Torment: With his lead arm, Scorpion throws a jab, a downward elbow strike, and a burning uppercut.
  • Doom Blade: Scorpion slices the opponent's thigh with one sword and slices them across using two swords before unleashing a flaming backflip kick.
  • Brimstone: Scorpion throws a hook punch and an uppercut before performing an overhead slash of his sword.
    • Gravedigger: Instead of an uppercut & sword slash, Scorpion converts his hook punch into a shoulder bash.

Mortal Kombat X:

  • End Game: Scorpion does an downward punch, a flaming uppercut and a flaming straight jab.
    • Affliction: Instead of a jab, he reaches for his sword and slashes the opponent.
  • Eternal Vengeance: Scorpion throws an overhand punch and a rising back fist, followed by a roundhouse kick.
    • Dead End: The kick is replaced with Scorpion performing an overhead slash with his sword.
  • Catastrophe: Scorpion breaks the opponent's shins using a side kick and launches them up with a gut punch. He jumps after the opponent and slams them down with his fist.
    • Soulless: The third hit is replaced with Scorpion slashing them down with his sword.

Mortal Kombat 11:

  • Torment: With his lead arm, Scorpion throws a jab and an uppercut. He then swings his kunai down.
  • Haunted: Scorpion crouches low and slashes the opponent's gut before throwing them off balance with a shin kick. He then stabs them with his spear and katana.
    • The Killing: Instead of stabbing the opponent, he finishes the combo with a back kick.
  • Dark Soul: Scorpion throws a cross punch and hops forward with a knifehand strike before unleashing a hellfire infused superman punch.
    • Wrath: Instead of a superman punch, Scorpion will stab his spear into their back and kick them away. He then pulls and steps on the chain, tripping and slamming them on their face.
  • Falling Ashes: Scorpion hops forward with a side kick and converts it to a spinning hook kick coated in fire.
    • Hack and Slash: The spinning hook kick in this combo is replaced with a double hitting spear attack, where Scorpion whips his spear in a circular motion and kicks it toward the opponent before it reaches a full circle.
  • Souless: Scorpion stomps the opponent's shin and plants his katana on the floor, stabbing them on the way down. He then uses the planted sword as a balance for him to vault over and perform a drop kick.
  • Spear: Scorpion throws his spear towards the opponent, reeling them in if it successfully hits. Scorpion can freely choose a second attack to perform after, but in some games the move has displayed unique attacks:
    • Scorpion slashes the incoming opponent with his katana, knocking them down.
    • Scorpion can also throw two spears at once. He can also whip the chains to send a current of hellfire to the opponent.
    • Scorpion strikes the incoming opponent with an elbow strike.
  • Hell Port: Scorpion teleports behind the opponent to strike them from behind with different attacks: a punch, a kick, and even a spear stab. Can be performed while airborne.
    • Scorpion can cancel the attack, causing him to perform the teleport only. He can then choose any attack to perform afterwards.
    • Scorpion can perform an additional attack such as a flip kick, uppercut or an upward sword slash.
    • For increased mobility, Scorpion can teleport in different directions rather than behind, allowing for a quick escape or advance.
    • To fool the opponent, he can create an illusion of him being poised to strike, covering his teleport. This can throw off one's guard if one is not careful.
  • Hell Fire: Scorpion summons hellfire from below, scorching opponents who stand above it.
  • Takedown: Scorpion slides forward and wraps his legs around the opponent's legs to trip them.
  • Demon Slam: While in the air, Scorpion grabs an airborne opponent and throws them to the ground.
    • Scorpion can choose to descend with the opponent, spinning on the way down. Afterwards, he'll then stab them in the back or scorch them with hellfire before doing the former.
  • Fire Ball: Scorpion hurls a ball of concentrated hell fire towards his opponent. He can fire it in a straight or angled trajectory.
    • The move can be delayed before Scorpion throws the projectile. This works well with his ability to cancel the attack, throwing slow and unaware opponents off their guard.
    • It can also explode on contact. The projectile will release two additional explosions that launches the opponent upwards.
  • Flame Aura: Scorpion performs a short stance, engulfing his entire body in scorching hellfire that burns nearby opponents.
  • Minion Grab: Scorpion raises his skull talisman, unleashing a demonic minion that will restrain the opponent's legs from below.
  • Minion Charge: Scorpion swings his skull talisman, summoning his demonic minion to shoulder charge the opponent from behind.
  • Minion Drop: Scorpion waves his skull talisman to summon a demonic minion from the sky that drops down with a powerful dive kick.
  • Demon Breath: Scorpion reveals his burning skull, spitting a cone of hellfire at the opponent.
  • Demon Dash: Scorpion reveals his burning skeleton and dashes through the opponent. He lifts them by the neck and burns them in his grasp before blasting them away with a burst of hellfire.
    • The attack can be enhanced, causing him to summon hellfire below the opponent before blasting them away.
  • Death Spin: Scorpion executes a deadly maneuver where he spins his spear around himself, slicing at nearby opponents.
  • Burning Spear: Scorpion performs a short stance with his kunai, igniting it with hellfire that boosts his kunai and spear's damage. If performed near an opponent, they will be caught in the blast which stuns them.
  • Misery Blade: Scorpion enters a quick draw stance with his katana, gaining access to short but deadly attacks that he can choose from.
    • Hate Strike: Scorpion raises his sword with its point facing the ground, plunging it down.
    • Tsuka Poke: Scorpion strikes with the handle of his sword.
    • Hamon Sweep: Scorpion advances forward and slashes at the opponent's feet.
    • Scorpion can create an illusion of him performing a different attack while performing any of these attacks, allowing him to confuse the opponent.
  • Scorpion stabs his kunai into the opponent's lower jaw and kicks them to the air. He grips the chain to stop it while it's airborne, giving the opponent a whiplash before falling to the ground.
  • Scorpion grabs the opponent and slashes their neck and abdomen with his kunai. Afterwards, he launches them away with a flaming uppercut.
  • Scorpion grabs the opponent and turns them around with their back facing him. He plunges his kunai into their shoulder and abdomen before he rips away the kunai while slicing their back with his katana at the same time.
  • Scorpion holds the opponent in a standing armlock and breaks their knee with a flaming kick. He teleports away, leaving a clone in his place, and sends them flying with a teleport kick.

Mortal Kombat X:

  • Get Over Here: Scorpion launches two spears at the opponent then adds hellfire to the chain's ends. He releases the spears, and the hellfire destroys their torso except for the bone.
  • Shirai Ryu Fire: Scorpion teleports behind his airborne opponent and punches their head off with a fiery uppercut.
  • Just A Scratch: Scorpion quickdraws his blades from his back, slicing their arms off. The opponent slowly bleeds out before they collapse.
  • Nether Flame: Scorpion covers himself in hellfire before throwing a ball of hellfire, making a huge burning hole in the opponent's chest.
  • Little Devil: Scorpion summons a demonic minion to restrain the opponent's legs. After a short delay, the demon explodes in a burst of flames. The opponent's body is left in ashes.
  • Trial By Fire: Scorpion grabs his opponent and slits their throat and abdomen before blowing up their head with a flame covered fist.

Mortal Kombat 11:

  • The Klassic: Scorpion performs an uppercut, but it decapitates them with their spine intact.
  • Spine Ripper: Scorpion grabs his opponent then proceeds to break their knee with a kick, snaps their arm with a standing armlock before grabbing them behind the neck to thrust their spine upwards.
  • Crispy: Scorpion reveals his flaming skull and breathes hellfire on his opponent, burning them to a skeleton. Their charred skeleton crumbles down into a pile of bones.
  • Stinger: Scorpion grabs an airborne opponent then slams them down. He stabs them in the back with his sword before cutting their nape and beheads them.
  • Clean Cut: Scorpion executes a rising sword slice before vertically bisecting them with a downwards slice of his sword.
  • Beheaded: Scorpion ignites his spear then launches it towards the opponent. He reels them in for a powerful elbow strike that rips their head off, spine included.
  • Soul Burn: Scorpion phases through his opponent as a fiery skeleton and grabs them by the neck. He continues to burn them until their flesh melts away.
  • Demon's Blood: Scorpion throws two punches to the neck and abdomen. As they reel from the attack, he stabs them in the back with his spear and ties it around the arm and head. He violently heaves the chain, ripping their head and arm off.
  • Save Me A Slice: Scorpion teleports behind the opponent and stabs them through the chest. He follows up with a diagonal quick draw slice of his sword, bisecting them diagonally.
  • X-Ray (Scorpion Sting): Scorpion teleports into the ground and re-appears behind his opponent, punching them in the groin before punching them again in the side of the face, breaking their skull and knocking them down. He walks over and stomps on their chest, cracking and breaking their ribs.
  • X-Ray (From Hell): Scorpion enters a stance while engulfed in hellfire. He flies towards the opponent and grabs them, delivering a knee strike that breaks their jaw and sends them flying. Next, he fires a spear into the opponent's abdomen and another one to his opponent's skull, fracturing it. Lastly, he violently pulls it back, sending his foe headfirst into the ground, breaking their neck.
  • Fatal Blow (GET OVER HERE): Scorpion starts the move with an overhead slash. He then slashes them two times before sheathing his blade, and then he stabs the opponent's face with two of his spears. He kicks the opponent to the air then grips the chains to stop them before violently yanking them back to him, setting them up for a kick to the face, impaling his spears even further. The move ends with Scorpion slamming them down face first, fully driving the spear through their skull.


  • Gallery

  • Intros

  • Victory Poses


Original Timeline Scorpion.

MKA Scorpion.

MK9 Scorpion.

Scorpion in his clothing from Deadly Alliance.

Hanzo Hasashi


Slow Burn.

All according to Kenkaku.

Get Over Here.

Hellfire Kata.


Notable Matchups


Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Dio's Profile (Part 1 Dio and High 8-C Scorpion were used. Speed was equalized and battle took place in Dio's Castle)




Discussion threads involving Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Hanzo Hasashi (Second Timeline) (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.