Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (2024)

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (4)


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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (9) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:30 pm

Quor Tarai listened to what Schrodinger had to say with a sense of amusem*nt, as if this meeting was some sort of game to him. Schrodinger did truly amuse him, after all it wasn’t every day that a being from another plane of existence barged in to his realm and told him off for something he had done. He watched patiently at what the man before him did, chuckling softly as he announced what he had done.

“Well, well, for this I must thank you Schrodinger Yuudeshi. It was getting tiring seeing her in that form, she is taking so long to wake her other half up after all.”

Smiling as Schrodinger began to leave, he would utter a couple last words to him.

“Please take good care of her… she needs it.”

Rachel had been sitting on the bed, waiting for Schrodinger to return to this side or for Quor Tarai to call her back to his side. Suddenly, her body began to glow, a soft light emitting from her body. Her eyes closed of their own accord as her soul searched for a form that was truly hers. As the light died down and her eyes opened, she saw that Schrodinger had returned, her form having changed, now somewhat different, but still similar.

Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (10)

Her pink hair was shorter now, coming down to just her shoulders. Reddish pinkish eyes looked curiously out at the world as a pair of dark red cat ears twitched upon her head. From beneath her skirt a tail with fur the same pink color as her hair swished out and about. She definitely looked older, about sixteen years of age. Her chest was no longer completely flat as her breasts had started to develop, but they were still fairly small. Looking over herself her voice came out softly, filled with uncertainty with a tiny bit of fear mixed in.

“What’s… happened to me?”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (11)


Rower of Rock. And Souls.

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (16) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:18 pm

"It's a new day, how do we change, to fix what's broke inside...?"

A male's voice asked, as he reappeared, his right hand held up as his lively eyes looked at her, that smile on his face as he looked at her as always.

"You've become what you've always been the most." He told her simply, smiling at the sixteen year old girl. "You're free to be what you want, your puppet strings are cut." He told her simply, holding up his finger as it grew with that dark lightning once more, pointing the finger right at her. "The only question, will you walk on your own now?" He asked her seriously, his lively eyes resting slightly at the sight of her. "Sigh..." He breathed out simply, relaxing, before smiling at her.

"I really do find cat girls attractive! Murynah!" He called out to her, as the massive bolt fired out, directly towards her, the energy contained within it enough that it would nearly overwhelm her body when she absorbed it, or would badly send a current through her body if she did not. "But I wonder, murr..." He stated simply, reappearing behind her now, his eyes cast downwards. "Did you developed... murr, that a well?" He asked her, patting at the base of her spine, before suddenly he was standing in front of her again. "THough, nya... I don't think I could ever really be that aggressive this quick off the bat. After all, you WERE just a little girl when I met you... Anyway, how do you feel now?" He asked of her, smiling honestly at her, waiting to her hear her response.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (22) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:42 pm

“What do you mean, always been the most? It doesn’t make sense…”

She listened to what he had to say next, her confusion only increased by his word.

“What do you mean, puppet strings? Are you telling me that I can now change my form to be whatever I want it to be? Let’s try it…”

She focused, attempting to will her body to change, but nothing happened. Her body was locked in to her very essence of who she was, and was not able to be changed at will. Looking a bit saddened, she looked up, hearing Schrodinger’s question she sighed.

“I dunno… I… I don’t understand…”

Seeing the giant bolt of electricity, she reacted on instinct. She absorbed it, absorbed it all, but suddenly she felt a surge of electricity that immobilized her, freezing her as her eyes widened. Somehow the portal had been opened from the other side without her noticing, the electricity surging back down towards the material plane, shocking Rachel and disabling her. She could still hear what Schrodinger was saying, and as he patted against the base of her spine, she let out a shy yelp, her body suddenly able to move. Jumping away from him, her tail shot up straight, which caused her skirt to flip up quickly. This of course resulted in Schrodinger getting a glimpse of her plain panties, way too small for her new body. Blushing deeply, Rachel grabbed a blanket from the bed next to her as she let out a soft, embarrassed mewl. At the same time, a voice floated to her from the plane of dreams, one that felt oddly familiar but was not the voice of Quor Tarai.

“You should really get yourself in to some new clothes… you should come wake me up some day.”

As Schrodinger continued to talk, Rachel glared at him, and when he asked how she was feeling, a cat like hiss escaped her mouth. However, moments later the glare was replaced by a soft, worried look upon her face.

“Um… uh… I feel… um… fine I guess…”

Sitting there for a few more minutes, she then removed the blanket from around her to reveal that she was wearing a new set of clothing. A blue skirt reached down to her knees, her tail sticking out from a hole in the back made for it. The top was a white button down shirt that she had not tucked in, the first button still undone. She then sat down on the bed, looking down at her lap.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (23)


Rower of Rock. And Souls.

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (28) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:02 am

"I meant that you've become your essence. Your outside matches your inside. It's perfectly natural." He explained to the cat girl, smiling at her in a mischievous manner. "I meant the rules that locked you to look like something that you weren't. Otherwise, your appearance would not have changed." He explained to her about the puppet strings, before feeling like he would laugh at her little attempts. They were cute. "It's not like that. It's your subconscious will that forms it, not your conscious one." He told her, before releasing it towards her.

"Oh no! Did it shock you?" He asked her, looking with honest concern. "Ah... You most certainly have one, a beautiful tail... And I'm sorry, for two things..." He told her, watching as she seemed to be terrified of what he'd done, an amazingly small smile on his face. "Firstly, for the caress... I'm sorry, I thought you would enjoy a gentle caress, but I suppose not." He informed her simply, walking over to the bed. "The second was for what I said earlier. I most certainly cannot regard you as simply a child any longer..." He informed her, the vision now nailed firmly into his brain, but not for obsession over, simply for the memory of her body. "You're quite different now."

"You feel fine?" He asked her, his body sitting down next to hers on the bed, his tail sliding down and around her own, the rough tail sliding smoothly along her own as he purred, a very, very deep purr, a deep sense of pleasure echoing from the base of his spine from the pleasant sensation of their tails sliding together. "That's... mm... good..." He told her, smiling. "I hope you don't mind... But I'm going to check your sensitivity... To make sure I know what your new form... is like.. murr..." He let out, purring against her. "Murr... But still... why'd you get shocked?" He asked, looking up at her with those wide, innocent eyes...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (34) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:27 am

Rachel listened to the man as he talked, taking in what he said. However, her thoughts were elsewhere. Who had that mysterious voice belonged to? It definitely came from the plane of dreams, but it belonged to no entity that she knew of. It bothered Rachel that such a thing had happened, and it bothered her more that she couldn’t talk to Quor Tarai now to ask him about it. Suddenly, she felt his tail running along her own, and she let out a gasp. Almost immediately her body started to shiver as the sensations from her tail shot up to her brain. She was not used to the sensation of having ones tail touched, and therefore the sensation was many, many times more powerful than it otherwise would be. She struggled to keep her breath steady as electricity crackled in the air around her as she began to swiftly lose control of the amount of energy she was emitting. However, in addition to the flickers of electricity, strange streams of energy emitted from her, shifting from color to color, always vibrant, but always changing.

As it continued she started to become accustomed to the sensation, and slowly her breathing would steady itself, becoming a soft purr. When she heard his question, she looked down, her hands gripping at her skirt.

“I… I wish I knew… I definitely sent the energy to the dream plane…. But somehow it was sent back. That shouldn’t be possible… I’m the only one who should be able to control the gateway… it should be impossible.”

She sighed, flopping down on the bed as she looked up at Schrodinger.

“Besides for my tunnel, there shouldn’t be any other way to enter my dream bubble, it’s completely sealed off. Well, Quor Tarai can enter it of course, but that’s because he is the spirit of the plane of dreams. I… I don’t understand this at all. The only clue I have now is that strange voice I heard… this is ridiculous.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (40) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:57 pm

Schrödinger smiled as he saw her change of expression, his tail softly moving against her own as it intertwined. He smiled as he felt the electricity, his mouth visibly chewing as he deteriorated it and absorbed it into himself. "Murr... Your sparks taste good." He purred to her, before blinking. "Nya... Fraulien," He paused, blinking, realizing that yes, that term applied to her now. "What is this?" He asked her, looking at the energy. He wasn't eating it because he didn't know what that would do to her, so for now he was leaving it well enough alone. He saw her becoming accustomed to it, beginning to purr.

"Murr, seems like another variable has also changed then..." He told her, purring deeply still, like a low rumble in his throat, surprisingly deep. "Murr... Fraulien..." He asked her as he stretched out next to her, his hand sliding upwards. "Is it possible that you've developed another entity?" He asked her, his tail rubbing even firmer against her own, reassuring as he smiled, his hand reaching deftly between the buttons on her shirt, picking it as his hand entered, rubbing her stomach gently, like petting a cat.

"Nya... Fraulien... Seems that you've got another one inside of you then... but don't worry about it... It doesn't sound like it's... myurr~... Bad. Just wants to get you to realize they're there..." He told her, his tail still pleasantly rubbing against hers, his hand gently rubbing her stomach as he looked her in the eyes, curious to see how she was reacting, as she seemed to have calmed down quite a bit more than she had been before.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (46) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:44 am

Rachel listened to what he had to say, but did not respond to the question about the strange energy, having not noticed it. When asked about whether she had developed another entity, she shook her head, mewling softly.

“I don’t know… I… I don’t sense any one additional in my dream bubble…”

As his hand slipped beneath her shirt, she felt his hand against her stomach. She mewled, trying to pull herself away from him as her face reddened in embarrassment. When she spoke, her words came out quietly, her voice quivering a bit with uncertainty.

“W-why would there suddenly be another o-one inside me… I don’t understand…”

Just then the voice floated to her again, softer than before, as if it was slowly losing the capability to communicate with her.

“I have always been here, you just haven’t been aware of my existence. I am sorry my sister… but until I awaken… there is nothing more I can tell you…”

Rachel’s eyes widened, her look going from one of confusion and embarrassment to one of understanding and with a need to act. Slowly she separated herself from Schrodinger, a look of apology on her face as she began to speak.

“Sorry Mister Schrodinger… it seems I have to do something… I’ll be back in a few minutes, sorry for the interruption.”

With that her body faded out, returning to the plane of dreams. Quickly she walked over to the bed upon which the girl she had duplicated lay, Rachel’s steps full of purpose and meaning. Her actions seemed quite contrary to her usual behavior, as if something within her had changed in order to cause her to mature. Looking at the nightstand next to the bed, she spotted an alarm clock, the hands unmoving upon it. With all her will, Rachel wished for the alarm clock to ring, for the hands of time to say that it was time to wake up. The clock reacted, ringing loudly, which caused the girl upon the bed to groan and start to awaken. Not waiting to see if she would be successful, a letter appeared in her hand before she faded out, returning now to the material plane. A voice followed behind her as she appeared on top of Schrodinger suddenly, the voice of her other half.

“Thanks sister… I can’t wait until we can talk. Until then, I wish you luck.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (52) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:58 pm

"Murr, additional? Why would you need an additional for another person to be there…?" Schrödinger's voice inquired as he slipped it in, feeling her soft flesh, her body being unable to get away from him, his teasing nature too strong. "Maybe they've always been there, Fraulien?" The tomcat suggested, watching as the expression on her face changed with interest, his face relaxing. "Nyah. Don't call someone who's touched your underbelly mister." He told her simply as she separated herself from him. "Mreh. Boring." He stared simply, referring to the fact that she was no longer there with him, suddenly feeling that demon of mischief which loved to stir its cat-eared head growing from deep inside of him.

"Mreow…" He meowed simply, closing his hands and releasing them as that smile came upon his face, holding in his hands a collar. "Murr!" He exclaimed as she reappeared, smiling to her as he held it out. "This is a communication device. If you have any questions you can ask me them through this, Fraulien." He told her, holding the collar out to her. Like the other spell he had cast, it would change its appearance to reflect her ,although it could also be controlled by will. It would always appear as a collar around Schrödinger, but outside of his immediate attention it would appear as anything from a necklace to a leash, depending on what Rachel wanted at the time.

"Mrow… Fraulien, what do you want?" He asked her suddenly, his thought process being complete. She knows what she wants now, and has the mental maturity it seems to think beyond the immediate… Murr… I wonder what desires she actually holds…? He thought to himself, watching her seriously, expecting an honest reply. He would know, after all, if she was not being truthful~

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (58) Re: Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj]

Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:02 pm

Artist: Arctic Monkeys - Song: Arabella - Word Count: 3117

As Rachel materialized again within the yayjuu headquarters, she spotted Schrodinger holding out some kind of communication device, though it looked like a collar of some sort. Without a second though she took it and slipped it around her neck, the appearance staying the same. The coloring did change a bit, going towards more feminine shades, but beyond that it remained the same. Smiling up at him, she tilted her head to the side a bit.

“Murr… what do I want… that’s a tough question. There are plenty of things I want… a family for me and my sister, a place to belong. These desires have long been with me, but I feel that they will be filled soon. Then there is the desire to improve myself, to strengthen my abilities and use them to help others who have been born or placed in to unfortunate situations… but I guess the most deepest desire of mine is to be loved.”

Having finished what she was saying, she suddenly jumped off the bed, rocketing towards Schrodinger and grabbing on to his back as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

“Piggy back ride, piggy back ride!!!”

She yelled at the top of her lungs, clinging to him with all her might. A strange look had come over her face, the look of someone addicted to a drug who needed to get their fix. The next second another being popped in to existence in front of Schrodinger, her body a carbon copy of Rachel’s right down to the most miniscule details. The only difference was that she was not wearing the communication device Schrodinger had given Rachel. The newcomer glare up at Rachel, the strange energy that Schrodinger had noticed before leaked forth from her body as she spoke, like some sort of parent disciplining her child.

“Seriously sis, what is wrong with you? You need to get rid of that silly addiction of yours already, it’s crazy. Ugh, and right after you wake me up?”

She sighed, then dropped the feigned anger, smiling a cheerful smile up at her.

“Just promise me you’ll work on it Sis? You can’t keep being a kid forever you know.”

Introduction of the two that shouldn't exist[jj] - Page 2 (2024)
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