The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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Jr- -6 aMLMWIiu miWHW rtWWKWat'WJWi Wl i 'desert w9hKj THE POST APRIL 12 1906-PAGE 8 REPORT OP THE CONDITION REPORT OF THE CONDITION 1 THE Til A LOST DARKEY REPORT Or THE CONDITION or ns FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT COVINGTON In tha State of Kentucky at the cloee of business April 6 19U0L RESOURCES' Loans and Discounts Overdrafts scoured and unsecured 1 92145148 774287 NEWPORT NATIONAL BAN AT NEWPORT I In tha State of' Kentucky at the cloee of business April I 1106 KESOUKtiE6 BANK at the 1906 Dr PERFECT Tooth Povdor Cleanser and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath I Loinaaad discount 197675688 Used by people of refinement overdraft weurad ow a quarter of a century Convenient tor tourists NEMMD SV GERMAN NATIONAL AT COVINGTON In the State of Kentucky close of busint April RESOURCES aaduMeeured bond to a-euie circulation 248246840 489670 10600600 8610609 1540040 80187 4240600 847771 7604640 1 Loaasaad discounts Overdrafts secured 1 a ad a CMC a red 6 bonds to -80600600 cum circulation Bonds Municipal 0600600 Banking bourn Duo from Nstlon-40L00600I al Banka (not reserve agents) 448660 Due from State banks and bank- 1660600 era Due from approved reserve ageuta 1244624 1 Checks end other cash Items' 8740477 Notea of other National banka 10246104 1 Fractional papar currency niokala 1247610 and cents Lawful money re-484000 1 serve lb bank vis: Epeeta 9 841619 Legal tender notes 8248600-11171 1 Redemption fond with 6 Treasurer (g par dl of circulation) TWO STILL AURMS -E RESPONDED TO 365157 88040 Bonds to m-curs circulation U-8bon4i 'o secure cars U4lde posits -Otber bonds to secure Udepjilt Bonds securities etc Banking house far-biture sad fixtarsi Dne from National banks (not reserve agents) Dne from Stall banks sod bscksrs Dna from approved reserve agents Cheeks and other cash Items Notes of otber National Banka Fractional paper currency nickela and cent Lawful monay reserve In bank viz: Specie I 2885800 Legal-tender notea 2641609-Bedetnptkm fund with Treasurer (6 per cant of circulation) Victor Carroll colored got out of the Covington Jail thin morning on the order of Mayor Bfcach who complied with a request of Police Judge Bead who In turn complied with a request proffered by a Ludlow man who has always employed Carroll Carroll got in some difficulty and was arrested for disorderly conduct He was tried in Police Court and given a sentence of 60 days in Covington Jail and $25 fine He has been in jail since Jan 23 and served out his jail sentence and all but $15 of his fine 'His employer has all this time been wondering what became of one of his star This morning he found out and immediately got busy He visited Judge Bead and offered to pay $10 of the $15 fine yet remaining if the man was freed Judge Bead put it up to Mayor Beach' who did the rest Carroll joyfully went1 down to Ludlow to work Premium 6 bond H10000 Bondi securities Ae Banking-house furniture tad fix- turn Due from National Banka (not reserve exeats) Due from State Banks and Bankers Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash Items Notes of other National Banka Fractional paper currency nlcksla and cents Lawful monay reserve In bank viz: Specie 2876650 Legal-temder notes 1650040- Redemption fnnd with Treasurer (60 or 076(0 304065 600000 465684? 1640040 IE TO ACT circulation) In Both Instances Families Were Away From Iome The Covington Fire Department responded to two still alarms one last evening at 8:50 and the other this morning at 8:30 in and in both instances found the families away from home at the time the fires were discovered The fire last evening was at Fifteenth and Washlngton-sta and was discovered by a pedestrian The man saw a strange reflection on the second floor of a house at the above corner and summoned the department byi Total 9160445648 telephone It was found that a wIm grate fire waa reflecting into a I liabilities mirror and looked from the street cpitiitoekpidi I like the room waa ablaze I BurPln tund iwaun This morning neighbors of John I profiti Banka colored of Stewart-at saw I less expenses and smoko coming from the windows I foxes paid The door was forced open and the rooms were found filled with I outstanding smoke The fireman discovered the weather boarding ablaze and with a few buckets of water extinguished it The house occupied by Banka la owned by William Williams of Cincinnati The damage was trifling MUnaoo 9888009- 16888040 gJ6WMP Dos to otber Notional Banka Duo to Stats Banka and Bankers Dna to Trust Companies and Savings Bonks Total 1168888111 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid Total T816203i9B liabilities Capital stock paid In ldb00000 Surplus fond 2600600 Undivided proOts lessospeases and taxespsid 1545687 National bank notsi on titan ding- 10040040 Dua to other National Banks 684408 Dividends unpaid 454U Individual deposits subject to ObeOk a a 58670441 Demand certificates of dtoposlt- 48259 Certified cheeks 650744 Cash Ik's checks euta ton ding 34587 80600600 10600000 8670691 9619740 In Surplus fund Undivided profit 1 less expense and taxes paid National Bank notes outatand- la Duo to otber National Banka 18618674 Dne to State banka and banket Individual deposit ubject to check Certified check Ufllted State deposits Deposits of 6 disbursing oflfoon Llabllltle other than thona above stated Fnnd to pay taxes 7740388 85141268 660000 8678245 ERL ANGER Total 98M28606 State of Kentucky County of Campbell at: I Jon Hengelbrok Cashier of tbo above-named bank do nolemnlF wear that tba above statement te true to tho best of my knowledge and belleL JOB HKXGELBROK Cashier Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 9th day ef April 1906 GEO ROB Notary Fublla My cemmlssloa expires January 11 1910 Attest: Due to approved reeenre agents Individual deposits subject to check Certified checks 1673529 80667612 00660246 28048- 08048647 Dlrcctora COLDSPJUNO Rev and Mrs George AV Bnnton of Maysville Ky are visiting friends at this place The young People' Bible Study Class will meet Wednesday night at the home of Mr and Mrs Gil- bert Marshall Mrs Fowler has returned I to Mentor Ky after visiting Mr and Mra Thomas Ross JOHN 8CHROLL DANIEL HET8CH CHA8 MKGERLB 841766 Wait for the Fatal Stages of Kidney 111 ness Profit by Covington Experience Occasional attacks of backache Irregular urination headaches and dizzy spells are common early symptoms of kidney disorders It's sn error to neglect these ills The attacks may pass off for a time but return with greater intensity If there are symptoms of dropsy puffy swellings below the eyes bloating of limba or ankles or any other part of the body delay a minute Begin taking Kidney -Pills and keep up the treatment until the kidneys are well when your old-time health and vigor will return Cures In Covington prove the effectiveness of this great kidney remedy Mrs Mary McAndrew of 169 East Eleventh-st Covington Ky says: "Before using Kidney Pills in 1900 I suffered severely with pains in my back that clung to me continually for months and my feet swelled so at times that this trouble combined with the backache made it hard for me to keep up and around Kidney rills brought speedy relief The pain disappeared and the swelling of the feet subsided I have never suffered backache since except as a result of taking cold and such attacks have been very slight Compare tlvely speaking' I have been well -ever since I used Kidney nils" For sale by ell dealers Price BO cents Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo sole agents for the United States Remember the name and take no other REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TH The Aid of the Christian Church will hold their annual Easter market at the Town Hall Friday evening The children of the Sunday school will be admitted free Master Benny Pierce Semple entertained Tuesday afternoon nt Mb home the Afternoon Card Club and all the substitutes: Mrs Harry Pyle Mrs Dulaney of Florence Mrs J' Steven son and Mrs Robert Dulaney captured the prises Those who enjoyed the fame were: Mr and Mrs Robert lulaney Mrs Ben Dulaney and daughter Miss Anna of Florence Mr and Mrs Hang Pyle Mr and Mrs Mu scon Semple Mrs Albert Bice Mrs Edward Terrill Mrs Thomas Buchanan Mrs Smith Mrs Rogers Mrs John Mayberry end daughter Miss Maud of Dixon: Hal Blanton Misa Jane Wise Miss Alliebelle Stephens Miss Ella Taliaferro Benny Tierce Semple Miss Mary Alice Stevenson Miss Cordie Ryle little Miac Kayser Margaret Terrill and Mrs Elizabeth Skiff Mra Mattie and daughter Mrs Frank Hubble of Danville Ky are the guests of Mra Anderson and daughters Misses Saville and Margaret Total 9140445646 6tstcof Kentucky County of Kenton eat I Geo 6 Engel Cashier of tho above-named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement true to the best of my knowledge and belief GEO ENGEL Cathler Subscribed and eworn to before me this 10th day of April 1900 BIMRALL Notary Public My commission expires Jan 22 1908 Attest: JAB ERNST JNO COPPIN Directors BCHLEUTKER Total 916fl06Lll State of Kentucky County of Kenton as -L 8 Lit Cashier of the abore- named bank do aolamnly swear that tbo above talemant le true to tba beet of my knowledge and belief E- 8 LEE Cashier Bubacrlbed and sworn to beforo me tble Utb day of April 1006 REINKE Notary Pnblla My commission expires January 11 1810 Attest: A VORDMEYER I JOHN BRYANT Directors 4 Lace cifrtaine caught fire last evening and caused a threatening blase In a cottage on Ft Thoqiae-av owned by Hills Lincoln Donaldson a member of the Fire Department discovered the blase and turned in an alarm The Flra Department responded and the fire was quickly extinguished Mrs Harry Hupp la Improving at her home on Wooaiawn-av Mrs Gertruda Johnston will render vocal selection a at the Easter services at the Highland Church' Revere shade treea have been planted In the echoolyard 'and the pupils will study their growth The pupils have already planted about six beds of flowers The officers at the fort held their weekly dance In the gymnasium last evening Private A Kimble of the hoe-pita I corps was ordered to proceed to Ft We vne Mich The Social Club will hold their weekly dance tomorrow evening at the gymnasium Extra enra will be run to accommodate the crowd from Cincinnati Covington end Newport Refreshments will be served during the dances In the post canteen ADD COV BRTEFS THURSDAY Mrs Davidson of tipper Scott-st was agreeably surprised on her birthday by a number of her friends Building Permits Issued City Auditor Gould of Covington issued building permits yesterday to tbs follow- Cawrence for a 10-room brick apartment dwelling at 1810 Hsdieon-av estimated to coat $1006 Henry Mueller brick addition to his borne 214 West Twelftb-st llrish Bhtnkle additions to tbs premises 661 and 953 Main-st Mrs Mary Phillips has arrived from St Louis gnd is with Alcx Buckner on Crescent- av Miss Lucy Hoover is home from Indianapolis where sthe was with her grandfather Hoover Miss Prudence Sayers and Miss Jannie Thompson of Georgetown who were the guests of Mr and Mrs Eugene Saga for a few days have returned to Georgetown College Miss Laura Triplet of Ludlow was the guest Sunday of the Misses Bohan James Rogers of Bellevue Ky has returned home after a visit with his son M- Rogers Mrs Walton -who has been South with her daughter Mrs Eugene Zimmerman at Laurel Miss for the past th: months arrived borne Saturday night Master Harry Slater in visiting relatives in Covington Ky Miss Alliebelle Stephens will entertain the Afternoon Card Club next Friday afternoon at her home oh Commonwealth-av Mrs Sarah piley and Mrs Susan Parish have returned home after a pleasant visit with Mrs William Taliaferro The young ladies of Rt Henry's Church will give a euchre at the Erlanger Town Hall Monday evening April 11 Miss Emma Hinton of Florence has returned home after a pleasant visit with Mi Ida Zinn Kev McGarvey President of the Bihle College at Lexington will preach at the Christian C'hurrh Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at which time three additional deaeons will be ordained LATONIA REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TH Farmers! National Bank AT COVINGTON In tho State of Kentucky at tho close ef business April 6 1906 RESOURCE 1121248608 Leeniaad discount Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application they cannot reach the diseased portion of th Mr There le only one wey to care deetneee and that le by constitutional remedies Deaf ness Is ceased by an inflamed condition of the mucnif lining of the Kuatacbinn Tube When thia tone le Inflamed you have a rumbling eound or Imperfect bearing and when it le entirely cloeed Deafness la the result and unlesa the Inflammation can be taken out and this tuba restored to its normal condition bearing will be destroyed forever nine rases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which ta nothing but an Inflamed condition of tbe mucous aui fares We will giro One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (rauaed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure Send for cimilara free CHENEY A CO Toledo Fold by Druggists 75r Take Jlall'e S'i tlon REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE KATIONAL BANK AT COVINGTON In tha State ef Kentucky nt th elnat of business April 6 DM: RESOURCES 9 99447645 924884 1504060 5040600 5605600 147600 4847845 Loans and discounts Overdrafts secured and unsecured 6 bonds to aecure U6 bonds to securs 6 deposits Other bonds to seen red 8 deposits Premiums onU6 bonds Bon da securities etc THEO It ROSE MONROE HARBICK ROSIS Ss CO UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS 63U3V SCOTT STREET PHONES I 146 108T-X 1 COVINGTON KT 2842760 80600600 8600040 rt PORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Ludlow In thn State of Kentucky at the cloee of business April 1 1946: RESOURCE ld600600 1693622 Basking house furniture sad fixtures Other real estate owned Due from National Banka (not reserve agents) Due from State Banks end banker Dne from approved reserve agent Checks and other cash items Note of other National Banka Fractional papnr tumaey nlckd and cent Lssrfnl money re-eerveinbankvla: Specie Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with 6 Treasurer par cant of circulation) Total 1600600 840606 788678 610688 1617788 247840 1141840 Overdraft aecured ndnnaecurod 6 bonds toaeenn circulation Bonds securities etc Banking house furniture and la- tuna Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) Duo from Btata -banka and bank- era Dna from approval reserve agent Check and other cash item Note of other National banka Fractional papnr currency nickel! ad cant Lawful money reserve In bank lx: Specie 93693600 Legal-tender not 1540690-Redemption fond with Treasurer (6 par cent of circulation) Take Our Word For It But come and sec for yourself Every man or boy who is ambitious to be a good dresser can have his ambitions gratified at very moderate cost by wearing one of our 1613665 6690628 119680 449600 There will be no school on Friday an it In Good Friday vThere will be a free lecture for the ladiea only at the Baptint Church Froday April 13 at 2 o'clock All ladiea are requited to come The moving pictures of the Tan-nion play of Oberammergrau will lie nhowii at (he Mcthndiai Church April 12 Thursday night The teacher of the Latonia graded school hope to he allowed the two three and four days of Miay to attend the Southern Conference of Education to be held at Lexington on those days It in of apodal interest to all Kentucky teachers There will be special service at the Christian Church on Sunday morning and evening Subject of the morning sermon Away the Stone" Mra Charles Miller of Ferry-at entertained AVedneaday night with a stag party in compliment to her husband's birthday Those present were Messrs II Man-waring Houston A Rouae A Cherrington A Codv Dr AVhite AV Nrhl The I to which Mr Miller belongs presented him wit hun ele gant mahogany table and loving cup The guests were served with a delicious luncheon Mr and Mra AV A Xehls of Newport arc 'guests of Mr and Mr Miller of Ferry-st Mias Katie Kraus of iioaedale was the guest of Gillham and family of Dinmore Park Mrs Fred Ray and little son who have hpent the winter in California arrived home thia week They were guesta of Mrs Connelly of Southern-av SRU7 15684 11688600 8600600- 4693600 4548540 tilr 1 -j? 1 1 74060 Loanaand discounts Overdrafts secured and unsecured 6 Benda to secure circulation-Bonds tecnrltiex etc Due fretn National Benke mot rfr serve agents) Due from approved reterveogeute Notea of other National Bank Fractional papnr currency nlekala and cents Lawful money reserve In bank via: Sped 9184M00 Legal tender note Redemption fund with 6 Treasurer (5 per eeal of circulation) Total LIARILITIRl Capital aloek paid in- Surplus fund UadiTidadproflls less expense and taxaa paid 2JE292 National bank note ontalandng 2540600 Dne lo other Na- lionet Bank 184140 Individual deposits subject to check 19796674 Cashier's rherks outstanding 1000 1 1470600 I1476U684 39600900 20600040 btateof Kentncky County of Kenton I Klllaton Caahier of th above named bank do solemnly swear that tbs above statement 1 true to the beat of my knowledge end ballet ELLI4TON Caiblsr Kuhacrlhed and eworn to before me tble tb day of April 1906 DYE Notary Public Attcat: KARIF It CARLTON RITTK rON 1 482847 40 I 920600600 4600600 '4618690 U600600 Ve have a very large assortment to select from and guarantee fit style material and workmanship AVc have tho finest stock ever exhibited in this vicinity No one who visits our ft ore can fail to be most favorably impressed by our 1H482IH 39600300 Jibe German National Bank Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid la orplus fund Undivided prolli less expen 1 aal taxeipaid' National bank note outstanding Duo to other National bank Du to State beak and banker Du to Trust Companies and Ravings Banka Due to approved reaerve agent Indlvldualdepoalt subject to chek Certified cheek LIAB1UT1EL Capital stack peidia tnrplnafund Undivided profits leas expeniea and tinea paid -National Bankaotai outstanding Due to olber Notional Banks 9 Due to Flat Bank and Banker Pun to epprovel reserve agent Individual deposit ubject te cheek 6 deposit Deposits of 6 die burling oHesra 23617 1 48428 928650 14220881 78 41942 1299672 46WI24 I 9 5r I vjtM SPRING SUITS 21M543-M221bSI 9601871 68714V WC49447 1681658 1147611844 NEWPORT KY Report of tba condition of tbn German National Bank at Newport In th Ftate of Kentucky at cloee of business April 6 1998: ASSETS Loam and discounts 6UT873 43 Overdraft! lM9t 6 bond Municipal and otber bond US 717 Banking house 3801 Bank end rife depoalt vault 109898? Other real estate owned 892197 Five per ni? fund AQonPO Due from banks 87161384 Cash on band 44632 43- lllVf35: Examine Each carefully selected and perfectly made our line before buying elsewhere Total I14R41749 Telal 0 IMIII Bankrupts Discharged Federal Judge A SI Cochran of Covington ordered tbe following dierhtriM In bankruptcy marie yesterday: Little of Wolfe County Ky: Brldgeforth of Ml Sterling Kyt Lewis Bros of Greenwood Ky Henry Bosch of MrGuffy Ky if Cox of Somerset Kyi IVyton ol Somerset Roberta of Rlchwood Ky) Mullins Bros of Withers Ky Grabeal or London Ky In the matter of tbe Carter Dry Goods Company sad other against th Whit Oak Cannel Coal Company or Morgan County Ky the Utter claim It le unable to pay Its debts snd Is willing to be de dared a bankrupt In the bankruptcy proceeding of 1 Wwl leave waa granted the trustee ta heve a rule Issued against lordia Lewis hmil4 hc fail to dlxrloM any gj IffM to be tn her poseewion ARE GETTING READY 1'iiv Lieut Ed Kirmever had mm a I work lodny cleaning the mv oinl rinor of the Sevcnih-M market house Coiington where the new turjrel pruetise for the will lie installed Cuiiiieil recently gate I lie Department the privilege of i-huoting tlicrr 97s46n77 tat of Kenturkv Ccnnty ef Kenton I BR A LAGE Cahler ef th above-named bank de I'olemnly swear thia caa bev statement 1 trace Hi mu nr knowledge end belief BRA ML AGE CaiW Eubarrlbed and ewers (0 beforo ma this Uth day of April 199 HilOlKS Notary Public Cominiaslon expire March 12 1WIU Attt: GEO REACH Dlreclnr 1 8 I State of Kentucky County ef Kenton I Llnnemann Cashier ef tb above-named bank do solemnly swear that tbe above statement I trua to the best of my knowledge end belief LINN EM ANN Cashier Fubscrlbed and sworn to before me this Ulh day of April IMM JAS WHITTLE Notary Public Commission expiree AUrch 1 1919 Attest HKNRV DRINKER) JOHN DORSET -Director I'SEO A ARiil I ROLFES WACHS RELIABLE CLOTHIERS No 1 Pike Street Corner Madison Covington Ky LIABILITIES Capital slock Surplus Undivided profit Circulation Deposits IMOMn9 Total 92SM28 Btala of Kanlurky County of Kentni 1 Abner liratil Carhier of tlie above-named bank do solemnly ewenr that tha abnva statement la true to tlie best of my knowledge and belief ABNER URAKT Cashier Fubarrlhed and orn to before me this 19th day of April 1996 DAVIS Notary Public My commlerion expires Jan 7 198 Attest HNllBKRT MrKSON 11 FLEMMING ti FNVPKR Dirwlcrs WM FrtIFIKERg UlVB El GENE CLARK 118888480 1289849- 328990' 106888 88 781798 84 814887 Ask nv of our advertiM-rg about nctrcely a uzeful thing the drawing power of WANT 1 00 earth that Iott Want Ads Lcl Costg but 'few ceati Try it IF YOU want lo rent a home flat store or roum use a rout Want Ad i 1.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.