The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

THE SHREVEPORT JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1952 TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Caudle Heard By Committee Former Chief Federal Tax Prosecutor Quizzed For Five Hours By KARL R. BAUMAN WASHINGTON (P T. Lamar Caudle proved to be such an esting at a closed-door hearing yesterday that a House investigating committee chairman remarked after it was that his group "has a lot work mover than we thought we had." "We've got a terrific September ahead of us," added Rep. Chelf (D-Ky) to Caudle for more after, listening, expressed doubt his judiciary subcommittee, which has been investigating the Justice Department, will be able finish Oct. 1 as planned." Caudle, who was the government's chief tax prosecutor until President Truman, fired him from his job as assistant attorney general last November, some information that was brand new to them, Chelf said.

Lot of Cases Covered. The chairman said the discussion covered "a lot of cases and a lot of Rep. Keating (R-NY), ranking minority member of the committee, told reporters that some of Caudle's information "related to previous attorneys general," but didn't elaborate. Caudle was brought into the Justice Department in 1945 by Atty. Gen.

Tom C. Clark. now a Supreme Court justice. Clark was succeeded by J. Howard McGrath, who was head of the department when Caudie was discharged for "outside Today telling reporters he was "delighted to co-operate," stood by another private session with the subcommittee.

The time for his next appearance remained uncertain because of a public hearing scheduled today into the recent ouster of a veteran Justice Department lawyer, also for outside activity. May Be Questioned Again. But both Chelf and Keating said Caudle may be questioned again the end of the day. They before, expect eventually to put him on the witness stand at a public hearing. Among witnesses called for to- lally, long-time attorney in the Jusday's hearing was James A.

Multice Department's Criminal Division, who resigned after his recent suspension by Atty. Gen. P. McGranery. In addition to Mullally, the subcommittee summoned several other attorneys for questioning about laws and regulations dealing with conflicts of interests of attorneys who leave the Justice Department and take up private law practice.

Caudle, 48, and now practicing law at Wadesboro, N. where he started his legal career, was affable, but not very talkative outside the committee room. "I'm here to co-operate all I can," he, told reporters before entering. And he suggested, rancor, without any obvious trace of that they forgot to put in their stories that "I'm the guy fired by the President." "I'm going to stay here until the committee is he said as he left. "I'm delighted to cooperate." Maximum Fines Levied on Two Traffic Violators Paul Burks, Negro, charged with speeding at the rate of 80 miles an hour, and Robert Stickman, Negro, charged with reckless driving which resulted in an accident.

were assessed maximum the Wednesday morning, traffic session of city Each was fined $75 by Judge Ruvian D. Hendrick. Burks was arrested by Traffic Officer Jesse Lang and Stickman by Traffic Officer Charles Brewer. Other motorists fined on speeding charges were J. N.

Russell, $25; George Dunn, A. G. Moller, $17.50: Carl L. Osborn, $15; Jerry Denery. $15; Albert Jones, $20; Earl Neal, Evans Lanham, Negro, $25, and $10 for operating car without lights; Franklin T.

Reeves, $12.50: Eddie Ware, Negro, $15: Loran Hutchinson, Negro, $20, and Leroy Daniels, Negro, $17.50. Motorists charged with reckless driving were fined as follows: William Minund. King Surrey, Negro, $10, and James Smith, SHred K. Miller. charged with leaving the scene of an accident.

was fined $25. He was acquitted on charges of having no driver's license. and reckless driving. Surrey King, Negro, was fined $25 for leaving the scene of an accident. The 1929 Geneva Convention governing treatment of war prisoners was not signed by Russia.


WACKERL -DISTRIBUTOR2030 Texas Ave. Phone 2-1658 Canvas Awnings for THE NEW STORE of H. L. GREEN CO. (SILVER'S) Built and Installed by COOK'S AWNINGS MATTRESSES 752 Hope St.

Phone 2-5868 All Plumbing Installation and Plumbing Fixtures for The Newly Remodeled H. L. GREEN CO. (FORMERLY SILVER'S) By McLEMORE STEPHENSON COMPANY PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS 1701 Kingshighway Phone 3-0684 Opposition To Rezoning of Six Lots on Linwood Opposition to the proposed rezoning of six lots on Linwood Avenue between 73rd and 74th Streets to permit construction of a community shopping center was voiced Tuesday afternoon in a public hearing conducted by the City Planning Commission. Several residents of the section near the strip for which the rezoning has been requested appeared at the hearing and said they oppose the proposed rezoning because they believe there are sufficient shopping centers near the area to warrant another one.

The lots presently are zoned for two-family residential use, and Mrs. Matthew Hart has requested that they be rezoned to neighborhood commercial 1 use. The strip of lots in question is located on the east side of Linwood between 73rd and the alley south of 74th Street. The application for the rezoning is receive further consideration by the comto, mission at a regular meeting Monday. Also discussed, but unopposed, at the nearing were H.

F. Beaver's application to rezone a lot on the northeast corner of and 68th Street from Linwood, residential to neighborhood commercial use, for retailing produce and groceries; Rosenblath's request rezoning porCarter tions of three lots on the west side of Line Avenue between College and Boulevard Streets, office building. and an by the Church of God in Christ to use lot 20 on Victor Street east of Line for church purposes. In addition to the public hearing, the commission, conducted a prefor discussion of four other zoning issues. Included in the group were requests for rezoning the northwest and 'southwest corners of Merwin and Jewella to permit establishment of a shopping center and for rezoning portions of two lots at the southeast corner of Dillman and 69th Streets from two-family residential to business use to permit construction of a dry cleaning plant.

Three Get Jail Terms on Drunken Driving Charges Three motorists were convicted at the Wednesday morning traffic session of city court on charges of drunken driving. Each was sentenced by Judge Ruvian D. Hendrick to serve, 30 day, jail terms, fined $100 their driver's licenses revoked. They were James A. Dickerson, of 624 W.

74th arrested by Traffic Officer M. R. Singleterry; James C. White, 2126 Claiborne arrested by Traffic Officer A. C.

Vascoe and D. L. Bowen, and Louis McKeaver. Negro, arrested by Traffic Officers A. C.

Vascoe and J. D. Edwards. Registration of recruits for 10 home guard battalions is under way in Northern Ireland. 3 Nominated For Bossier School Posts Nominated Tuesday to Bossier School Board from ward 2 are S.

H. Boggs, Edward L. Carter and B. W. Swint, who finished in that order.

Boggs totalled 1.287 votes. Carter received 1,279, and Swint 974, according to an unofficial tabulation. The three leading candidates in the second primary run-off race became the Democratic nominees, tantamount to election. Homer T. Cox for 12 years a member of the School Board, was not returned to office.

Boggs, a resident of Bossier City for 18 years, is a native of Plain Dealing, and is employed as office Co. of Shreveport. manager by the Taylor-Seidenbach Carter is a life-long Benton resident, and is assistant secretarytreasurer of the Production Credit Association of Shreveport. He is married and has three sons. Swint 1 is a Bossier grocer who lives at 428 Waller vis marCity, ried and has three children.

J. W. Naremore finished fourth in the race, only 70 votes behind Swint, with a vote of 904. Cox had 830, and Harbuck 826. Youth Held For Firing Pistol Shot At Negro Pedestrian An 18-year-old Shreveport youth Wednesday was being held in the Caddo Parish jail on a charge of illegal use of firearms after he allegedly fired a shot from a .45 calibre pistol ton at a negro late Tuesday night.

According to Sheriff J. Howell Flournoy, Tom Backer of 1722 Harvard and two other youths were arrested by deputies on information of the negro who resides near here. The complainant told the sheriff's office that three white youths drove by him as he walked down the Old Jefferson road at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, and one of them fired a shot at him. The bullet reportedly hit the ground near the pedestrian.

The two youths arrested with Backer were released without charge. Backer's bond has been set at $50. Mrs. Gertrude C. Wenk Funeral Held Today Funeral services for Mrs.

Gertrude Cater Wenk, 70, of 110 Leo who died Sunday in a local sanitarium, were held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in Wellman Chapel with the Rev. Scott Tatum, pastor of Broadmoor Baptist Church, officiating. Interment was in the Masonic plot in Greenwood cemetery. Noctive pallbearers, were Bryson, Charles Charles Spilker, John T.

Jeter, Arthur Settle and Dr. M. E. Kaffie. Mrs.

Wenk was the widow of the late Herbert Wenk. a merchant here for over 50 years. Congratulations to H. L. GREEN CO.

on Your Completely Remodeled Store They Serve Our MILK and ICE CREAM Exclusively at the Fountain Jersery Gold Creamery PAINTING AND DECORATING FOR H. L. GREEN CO. NEW STORE By SCHEXNAIDRE PAINTERS and DECORATORS 1612 Market Street Phone 2-2750 Pine Bluff Firm Awarded Contract At Miller's Bluff BATON ROUGE (P--The Louisiana Department of Highways announced today contracts were awarded for two projects in three parishes. The projects included: Caddo and to Pine Bluff Sand and Gravel for bank protection for the Red River bridge at Miller's Bluff, State Route 109.

Work to begin Sept. 15 and be completed in 80 working days. Woman Is Tenth Volunteer For Post of Elector Mrs. Kittye Buford Kiper of 4453 Clingman Drive, who described herself as a close friend of U. S.

Senator John Sparkman of Alabama, vice presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket, has volunteed to serve as presidential elector from the fourth congressional district. Mrs. Kiper is the tenth Democrat from the Shreveport district to volunteer for the position. A requirement of those volunteering is that they will pledge to vote for the Stevenson-Sparkman ticket for president and vice president. Mrs.

Kiper came to Shreveport in 1946 and is a native of Huntsville. Ala. The Fourth district committee will meet Friday to select an elector from the 10 volunteers. volunteers are William W. McDonald, A.

W. Sour, John W. Haygood, Richard W. Switzer, Dr. R.

C. Thompkins, Carol Vincent, J. T. Ringenback, John Howat and Hartwell Smith. Mrs.

Kiper filed her application with Chairman N. B. Carstarphen of the district committee. The will succeed W. Scott Wilkinson of Shreveport who resigned along with five others in a revolt against the national platform.

Draft Board Calls 10 for Physicals Ten men have been ordered to report for pre-induction physical examination by local Selective Service Board 86. according to the board clerk. The men will report Sept. 8. They are Ernest Holmes of Greenwood, Ned Hill, of Vivian, Hersey Evans of 1132 David Lee Russell of Houston, Texas, Tommie Dotie of Mooringsport, Raymond Fields of Keithville, Harry Fisher of Blanchard, J.

P. Williams of Fort Worth, Texas, Jim McKeever III of route 4. and Fred Graham of Keithville. Shreveport Area Nurses Slate Meeting Thursday The September meeting of the Shreveport District Nurses Association will be conducted at 7:30 p. m.

Thursday, Sept. 4, in the public health offices in the Municipal 1 Auditorium. Reports from the A. N. meeting will given by Mrs.

Lucille Sawyer, Mrs. Juergens and the student nurses who attended the biennial convention in Atlantic City. Prior to the general session, the private duty section will meet at 6:45 p. m. and the board of directors at 7 p.

m. All registered nurses in the area are invited to attend the general meeting. W. H. Huffman Rites To Be Held Thursday Funeral services for W.

H. Huffman, 70. former resident of Shreveport, who died Monday at 7:15 p.m. at the home of a son in New Orleans, will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in Wellman chapel.

Officiating will be the Rev. B. F. Wallace, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. The body arrived in Shreveport Tuesday and was taken to Wellman chapel where it will remain until hour for services.

Mr. Huffman is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Lillian Wisdon of Bossier City; Mrs. Margie Johnson. Lake Charles, and Mrs.

Bertha Hernandez of Cheneyville; four sons, Burt W. Huffman of Ida. Ray Huffman of Bunkie, and William D. Huffman and Emmett C. Huffman, both of New Orleans; two brothers, John Huffman of Hemphill, and Otis Huffman of Zwolle; three sisters, Mrs.

Hessie Travis, and Mrs. Eva Smith, both of Hemphill, and Mrs. Rosa Taylor, Evadell, also 24 grandchildren. REAL ESTATE SALES REPORTED Harry W. Adair to Curtis Lee Thomas, lot 36, Sylvan Oaks subdivision, $8,845.

Andrew Querbes Jr. et al to Ernest M. Freeman, part of plot 21. Hart's Island Plantation, $6,857. Paul George Locke to Melton F.

Pearce, lot 23 and part of lots 22 and 24, Heights subdivision, 572. William Carter Henderson to Donald Gilbert David. lot 25, Broadmoor Terrace subdivision, Unit No. 7. $10,000.

Roy L. Watson to Darwin E. Reynolds, lot 1, Werner Park subdivision, Triangle subdivision, $8,500. B. F.

O'Neal and Son, realtors, sold the new brick and frame residence at 4847 Crescent Drive, North Pierre Mont subdivision, for Floyd Tubbs, builder, and E. A. Davis. to Mrs. Lennis S.

Warren and Mrs. Loranne W. Thompson for $28.000. J. N.

Tiller to R. B. Tiller, lots 11, 12, 13, 24, 25 and 26 of the St. Louis subdivision, between Arkansas and Agurs avenues near Cadillac street, for $8,470.38. MARRIED Benton PBX Operator Now Mrs.

W. B. Akin Of special interest is the surprise marriage Tuesday of Sybil O'Daniel. PBX operator at the Bossier court house in Benton, and one of Bossier's best known citizens, to William B. Akin, owner and operator of the Akin Service Station in Plain Dealing.

mariage ceremony took place in Lewisville, in Lafayette County. Mrs. Akin will continue her employment at the court house, where she has been working for the past 17 years. The couple will reside in Plain Dealing at the residence of Sheriff Willie Waggonner. $60,000 Damages Sought in Suit On Injury Claim Damages totalling $60.000 are sought by a Caddo Parish couple as compensation for injuries they claim they received when an automobile in which they were riding crashed into the rear of a parked truck on highway 80, about nine miles east of Bossier City, on the night of last March 30.

The plaintiffs, Ernest Garrett and Alice Garrett, have filed suit in federal district court here against O. A. Henderson and A. L. Green, both of Groesbeck, Texas.

Garrett asks damages of $20,000, while his wife seeks $40,000. 0 0 000. In their petition the Garretts claim that the truck. with a trailer, was parked in the right lane of highway 80, headed west, and that there were no flares or warning signals to indicate its presence. They claim further that, in traveling westward, they could not pass the vehicle on the left because of oncoming traffic, nor on highway shoulder on the right because several persons were standing on the shoulder beside the truck.

Injuries listed by Garrett included lacerations and fractures of four ribs. Those listed by his wife included a compound fracture of the nasal structure which, she said, necessitated extensive plastic surgery. Airman Charged As Reckless Driver Following Collision A Barksdale airman was in the parish jail at Benton Wednesday morning in lieu of $50 bond following a collision at 2 a. m. on the Minden road, after which he was arrested by state police and booked for careless and reckless driving.

Robert White, 21, the jailed airman, was driving a 1942 sedan which rammed the rear of a 1950 automobile driven by another airman, Ross Moore, 22, causing the vehicles to leave the highway on opposite sides and resulting. in heavy damage to each. sion occurred near the Skyway Club on U. S. 80.

Lewis Bear, 24, an airman who a passenger in White car, was taken to the Barksdale Air Force Base hospital with a minor head injury and released after a short time. A Wellman ambulance carried Bear to the base hospital. Mrs. Eloise O'Neal Returns From Vacation Mrs. Eloise O'Neal, secretary to Charles Leslie, city building inspector, has returned from her vacation which she spent in Cloutierville visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs.

R. T. DeLouche. She also visited Narrows Dam Chief Swaha lodge located eight miles from Mufreesboro, Ark. Mrs.

O'Neal said the latter is a government project and is a very beautiful vacation spot with fishing and swimming featured. While Mrs. O'Neal was on her vacation her position was filled by Mrs. Evelyn Carmichael. $8,832 Gain Shown In Postal Receipts For the Past Month An increase of $8,838.62 in postal receipts for the month of August over the corresponding month last year, is shown in the report of Postmaster R.

H. Nelson. Receipts for the past month were and for the same $145,874.17 month in 1951 were $137.035.55. Since the first of the year the gain in receipts amounts to 094.70 over the corresponding period last year, the report shows. SOW FARROWS 19 PIGS.

RALEIGH, N. C. prolific in sow farrowed 19 pigs on one Tyrrell County farm. recently, All pigs were apparently normal and healthy at birth. The litter is the fourth farrowed by the half Duroc and half PolandChina sow.

She bore 9 pigs in the first litter, 13 in the second and 16 in the third. Prompt Service Given In Repairing Watches Prompt and efficient services are offered by the watch repair department of the H. L. Green store of Shreveport. This department under the managership of James Arnold, an expert watch repairman, is located in the rear of the newly remodeled store.

Key Department Offers Specialized Service The making of new keys and the replacement of old ones is a specialty in the key department of the H. L. Green Co. Store. Fred Adams is in charge of this department and can serve customers while they wait.

Communist party moves to form a liberation group are reported from French India. are ELECTRICAL WIRING FIXTURES for the newly remodeled enlarged H. L. GREEN CO. (SILVER'S) Cahn ELECTRIC CO.n MC.


L. GREEN CO. on THEIR COMPLETELY MODERNIZED STORE We Are Proud to Have Been Your General Contractor GUY C. WHITAKER CONTRACTOR Texas Eastern Building Phone 2-7154.

The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.